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Aufgrund unvorhergesehener Herausforderungen mussten wir das Veröffentlichungsdatum auf nach Q2 2025 verschieben. Angesichts dieser Verzögerung empfehlen wir, unsere aktuelle AIO-5-Serie in Betracht zu ziehen, die hervorragende Funktionen und Leistungen bietet. Diese Produkte sind ab sofort erhältlich und können Ihren unmittelbaren Bedarf decken. Wir freuen uns über Ihr Interesse an unseren kommenden Produkten und danken Ihnen für Ihr Verständnis, während wir daran arbeiten, die bestmöglichen Produkte zu liefern.
Please make sure to have CarPlay in there!!! :-) Blind Spot Detection is great (and arguably would make much sense with the back camera) but CarPlay is way more of an important feature for the upcoming XR-3.
I think it's a fantastic idea to have planned the third camera to be positioned in front of the motorcyclist. Then as many will understand this possibility has various developments, such as shots of other parts of the motorbike or even the right or left side of our path. So congratulations for the good project
The sunshade fits the AIO 5 well and it was easy to install. It helps a little bit mostly at the top of the screen.
The glare of the device are still a big problem and I will still have to mount my phone when I need to navigate in unknown areas. (I will order the non-glare protector and hope it helps.) While the device works well overall the visibility problems do not justify the high costs.
Dump your BMW Nav and then order this unit. It is excellent: simple install; intuitive interface; and, clean design. Very nice product.
The Sun Shade installed easily and it's great for reducing glare.
Produto impecável !! Boa qualidade de imagem, rapido e elegante!
I purchased this product to safely transport and store my device when it’s not in use on the motorcycle. I had waited approximately three weeks for it to be shipped along with my device order. Upon initial inspection after receiving the product, I thought I wouldn’t regret purchasing it. It seemed to be a high-quality and functional item.
However, after some time, I purchased the “Sun Shade for AIO-5 Series” accessory and attached it to my “AIO-5 Play for BMW” device. That’s when I realized I could no longer use the bag.
The "Sun Shade" is not an accessory that can be easily attached and detached from the AIO-5 Play repeatedly. There is a risk of it breaking, and if your device has a “Screen Protector” installed, frequent removal and reattachment could eventually damage it.
I hope Chigee addresses this design issue and offers a new bag with dimensions suitable for carrying devices with the "Sun Shade" attached. When that happens, I’ll be among the first to purchase it.
Dump your BMW Nav and then order this unit. It is excellent: simple install; intuitive interface; and, clean design. Very nice product.
The Sun Shade installed easily and it's great for reducing glare.
Produto impecável !! Boa qualidade de imagem, rapido e elegante!
Very good
Je suis très satisfait du produit Chigee pour BMW, installation facile et démontage très rapide au besoin.
Je recommande
Perfect solution