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Der externe Reifendrucksensor ist einfach zu installieren und besteht aus einer hochwertigen Aluminiumlegierung. Er hat eine kompakte Größe und eine langlebige Batterie. Die Echtzeit-Reifenüberwachung zeigt gleichzeitig Daten zu Reifendruck und -temperatur an, sodass die Sicherheit der Reifen stets im Fokus bleibt.
Geeignet für die folgenden Modelle:
Delivery was quick and the installation was very easy ! Great product !
Works really well. I had an initial problem with the number of alerts I was getting but that was because I set the warning parameters to low.
i had to file down the plastic housing for the front sensor to give clearance of the caliper , everything works perfectly
The Tyre Pressure monitors arrived promptly as everything has done from Chigee however due to the valve position on my BMW R1200RTp the front monitor hit the break calliper.
After using a grinder, I removed some of the plastic so the wheel rotated without it striking and they work perfectly.
kann ich bestens empfehlen
the experience was very good. All items arrived ok
It looks like it has the right proportions, it takes care of the dazzling sun.
Fits great as well.
Love the plug & play ease of the AIO-5 Play w/ BMW. Was able to get it up and running quickly. The touchscreen works really well and control via wonder wheel is great. There are two things I'd like to see improved. First, I wear a high-viz vest and when I ride into the sun, the mirror like screen on the Chigee reflects it back, making it nearly impossible to see the screen. This can't be fixed by a sun shade because the light is coming off me--not the sun. The native BMW screen does not have this issue. It's possible an anti-glare screen protector would help. The second issue is that--for me--the 5" screen is smaller than I'd like. It's just a little hard to read, when using the touch screen, the icons are pretty close together, etc. Many other products from iPhones to Chigee's competitors offer larger screens. The moment I got it on the bike, my first thought was "this is great." My second thought was "the screen is too small." At a 5" size, it already looks dated. A 6" would be a significant improvement, though I think they've concluded they can't fit that size in the cradle, but am convinced they'll come up with a creative solution in time.
the experience was very good. All items arrived ok
It looks like it has the right proportions, it takes care of the dazzling sun.
Fits great as well.
I like that!!
Love the plug & play ease of the AIO-5 Play w/ BMW. Was able to get it up and running quickly. The touchscreen works really well and control via wonder wheel is great. There are two things I'd like to see improved. First, I wear a high-viz vest and when I ride into the sun, the mirror like screen on the Chigee reflects it back, making it nearly impossible to see the screen. This can't be fixed by a sun shade because the light is coming off me--not the sun. The native BMW screen does not have this issue. It's possible an anti-glare screen protector would help. The second issue is that--for me--the 5" screen is smaller than I'd like. It's just a little hard to read, when using the touch screen, the icons are pretty close together, etc. Many other products from iPhones to Chigee's competitors offer larger screens. The moment I got it on the bike, my first thought was "this is great." My second thought was "the screen is too small." At a 5" size, it already looks dated. A 6" would be a significant improvement, though I think they've concluded they can't fit that size in the cradle, but am convinced they'll come up with a creative solution in time.
The product is exactly what I was looking for, ease of use.
Very good