CHIGEE Privacy Policy

Shenzhen CHIGEE Technology Co., Ltd. and its global affiliates (hereinafter referred to as "CHIGEE," "we," "us") understand the importance of privacy to you and respect your privacy. The "CHIGEE Privacy Policy" (hereinafter referred to as "this Policy") applies to the products and services we provide and their extended functions, including the CHIGEE GO APP, the official website, clients, mini-programs, and new forms that may emerge with technological development (hereinafter referred to as "our platform"). If a specific product or service we provide has its own privacy policy or user service agreement, that specific privacy policy or user service agreement will take precedence. For matters not covered by the specific product or service privacy policy and user service agreement, this Policy shall prevail. If our affiliated companies' products or services use our products or services but do not have an independent privacy policy, this Policy shall also apply to those products or services. Unless otherwise agreed, the terms used in this Policy have the same meaning as those in the CHIGEE User Service Agreement.

If you are a minor or not fully capable of civil conduct according to the laws of your jurisdiction (hereinafter referred to as "minors"), please read and fully understand this Policy accompanied by your legal guardian and obtain their consent before using CHIGEE products and services.

Please read this Policy carefully (especially the bold content) and make sure you understand our rules for handling your personal information. We will handle your personal information appropriately following current laws and regulations, in a legitimate and proper manner, and adhering to principles of good faith. If you have any questions about this Policy, you can contact us through the contact information provided on our platform.

This Policy will help you understand the following:

  1. How we collect and use your personal information
  2. How we protect and store your personal information
  3. How you can manage your personal information
  4. How your personal information is transferred globally
  5. Protection of minors' personal information
  6. Notifications and amendments
  7. How to contact us

1. How We Collect and Use Your Personal Information

Personal information refers to various types of information recorded electronically or by other means related to identified or identifiable natural persons, excluding anonymized information. Please note that the definition of "personal information" (also referred to as "personal data" or similar terms) may vary by country or region; please refer to the relevant personal information protection laws and regulations in your region for specific details.

For residents of Singapore, the following information does not fall under the definition of "personal information" as stipulated in this Policy:

  • "Business contact information," meaning "an individual's name, job title or position, business email address, or business fax number, and any other similar information related to the individual not provided solely for personal purposes";
  • Personal data contained in records existing for at least 100 years;
  • Personal data of deceased individuals who have been dead for over 10 years.

We will collect and use your personal information, which you actively provide or is generated by using our products and services, or which we obtain from third parties, following the principles of fairness, legitimacy, and necessity and for the purposes described in this Policy. If we intend to use your personal information for purposes not covered by this Policy or use information collected for specific purposes for other purposes, we will notify you reasonably and obtain your consent before using it.

(1) Collection and Use of Personal Information

When you use our products/services, we need to collect and use the following personal information from you:

  1. Registration and Login

    • When you register and log in to our platform using an email address, we need to collect your email address. To verify your identity, we will send a verification code to your email.
    • When you register and log in to our platform using a mobile phone number, you need to provide your mobile phone number. We will verify your identity by sending an SMS verification code and identify the corresponding operator based on SIM card information. With your consent, we may use the "one-click login" function provided by the operator to use your mobile phone number for registration and login without needing a password or dynamic verification code, providing you with quick registration and login services.
    • After registering an account, you can choose to provide your nickname, avatar, gender, birthday, location, profile description, and background image. Refusal to provide this information will not affect your use of our platform to register an account.
  2. Purchasing Our Products and Activating and Binding Products

    • Online Shopping: When you shop in our official online store, to ensure that the purchased goods are delivered safely, we need to collect your name, phone number, address, bank card information (if you choose to pay by credit card), invoice title, and taxpayer identification number (if you choose to issue an invoice). If you choose to shop in "guest mode," we also need to collect your email address.
    • Retail Shopping: When you shop at offline retail stores, to match the retail store in your area, we need to collect your geographic location information.
    • Official Store Reviews: When you upload a consumer review in our official online store, please note that your user nickname will not be anonymized or de-identified. If you review with your real name, we may need to collect your name.
    • Activating Products and Binding with Devices: When you use the CHIGEE GO APP or the CHIGEE product itself to connect to the network to activate the product you purchased, to ensure the product is activated smoothly and successfully bound to the device, we need to collect your device's SN code, IP address, and activation location (country).
  3. Marketing Activities

    • When you choose to participate in activities we organize or subscribe to our event information, to promptly push event information to you or contact you, we will collect your name, mobile number or email address, home address, survey content, etc., with your consent. You can contact us at the end of this Policy to unsubscribe.
  4. Service and Support

    • Purchasing CHIGEE Care or Extended Warranty Services: When you need to purchase or activate CHIGEE Care or extended warranty services, to match the purchased product, we need to collect your product serial number, purchase information, CHIGEE Care card number, password, and agreement number.
    • After-Sales Service Application: When you apply for after-sales service, to match the nearest repairer and accurately diagnose the problem and provide repair services, we need to collect your geographic location information, product serial number, purchase information, problem description, CHIGEE Care agreement number (if purchased), CHIGEE extended warranty agreement number (if purchased), and pick-up and delivery address. If you use our self-service repair service, we need to collect your name, phone number, email, return address, product serial number, fault condition, purchase date, etc.
    • Feedback on Bugs and Suggestions: When you provide feedback on bugs or suggestions, to contact you, we need to collect the relevant information of the issue (such as product category, problem type, operation log file, reproduction steps, reproduction probability, recovery possibility) and your name, phone model, system version, mobile number or email address.
    • Customer Service: When you consult us through our platform, email, or any written form, to resolve your issue, we need to collect the communication records between you and the customer service.
  5. Uploading Your Works

    • Prize-Winning Works Collection: When you participate in our prize-winning works collection activity, to confirm that your uploaded works are produced with our products and to contact you promptly, we need to collect the type of your submitted works, the type of shooting machine, name, email address, work content (which may include your portrait, voice, and other personal information), work title, work description, creation date, creation time, geographic location, etc.
    • Non-Prize-Winning Works Upload: When you choose to upload text, images, and videos on our platform (including publicly posted and unpublished content), to conduct necessary content reviews and recommendations, we need to collect your username, nickname, avatar, and the text, images, video content you post or intend to post. This also includes your device model, creation time, and geographic location used for creating the content.
    • Issuing Activity Rewards: When you receive our activity rewards, to issue the reward, we need to collect your Alipay account and name, PayPal account, PayPal email, name, and country.
  6. Applying for Cooperation

    • Applying to Become an Enterprise Distributor: When you apply to become our distributor on the webpage, to verify your qualifications and contact you, we need to collect your name, position, phone number, email, company information (including company name, registered name, address, and whether there is a store or company website), cooperation intention (including product line intention and cooperation intention).
  7. Enhancing or Optimizing Our Services

    • Accessing Our Platform via Mobile Electronic Devices (including APP, WeChat mini-program, etc.): To enhance or optimize our services, we may read your device's geographic environment and location information and information related to your mobile device, such as device model, device identification code, operating system, resolution, telecom operator, and unique device identification code.
    • Accessing Our Platform via Computer: To enhance or optimize our services, we automatically receive and record information from your browser and computer, such as your MAC address, GPS address, screen resolution, operating system and version, device manufacturer and model, language, internet browser and version, the name and version of the software you are using, and the photo time.
    • Content You Upload via Our Platform: To enhance or optimize our services, we may read your geographic location, camera, album, microphone, and call permissions with your consent. If you use your location to upload your content, we will collect information such as geographic environment, geographic location, place names, and geographic latitude and longitude coordinates.
    • Business Analysis and Research: To analyze and research our business, we will analyze your registration information, online purchase behavior, and browsing history on our platform.
    • In-App Purchase (IAP) Services: When you choose to purchase paid content or services (IAP services) through third-party apps, you will enter a payment channel provided by a third party to complete the payment and obtain related services. Please note that you are bound by the third party's user agreement and privacy policy when using third-party services.
  8. Marketing and Promotions

    • Marketing Communications: We may send you marketing communications, such as updates about our products and services, special offers, and promotions. You can opt-out of receiving these communications by following the instructions in the communication or by contacting us directly.
    • Advertising: We may display advertising on our platform. To provide you with personalized advertising, we may collect information about your device and your use of our platform, including the type of device, operating system, and unique device identifier.
  9. Improving Our Platform

    • User Experience Surveys: We may conduct surveys to collect feedback on your experience with our platform to improve our services. Participation in these surveys is voluntary, and you may choose to provide us with your feedback and opinions.
  10. Legal Compliance and Security

  • Legal Obligations: We may process your personal information to comply with legal obligations, such as tax and accounting requirements, and to protect our legal rights and interests.
  • Security: We may process your personal information to ensure the security of our platform, including preventing and detecting security threats, fraud, and other malicious activities.

Note: When we collect and use your personal information, we will obtain your explicit consent or authorization, except for the following situations:

  • Personal information that is necessary for the performance of a contract to which you are a party.
  • Personal information that is necessary for the performance of statutory duties or obligations.
  • Personal information that is necessary to respond to public health emergencies or to protect the life, health, or property of natural persons in emergencies.
  • Personal information that has been disclosed by you or otherwise legally disclosed.
  • Personal information that is necessary for the conclusion or performance of a contract directly related to your vital interests, such as life and property.

(2) Sharing, Transfer, and Public Disclosure of Personal Information

1. Sharing

We will not share your personal information with any company, organization, or individual, except in the following circumstances:

  • With your explicit consent or authorization, we may share your personal information with third parties.
  • We may share your personal information with our affiliates for the purposes described in this Policy.
  • We may share your personal information with our partners, such as payment processors, logistics providers, and marketing service providers, to provide you with the products and services you request.
  • We may share your personal information with third parties when required by law or regulation, or in response to a legal request, such as a subpoena or court order.
  • We may share your personal information with third parties in connection with a merger, acquisition, reorganization, or sale of assets, provided that the receiving party agrees to adhere to the terms of this Policy.

2. Transfer

We will not transfer your personal information to any company, organization, or individual, except in the following circumstances:

  • With your explicit consent or authorization, we may transfer your personal information to third parties.
  • In the event of a merger, acquisition, reorganization, or sale of assets, we may transfer your personal information to the receiving party, provided that the receiving party agrees to adhere to the terms of this Policy.

3. Public Disclosure

We will not publicly disclose your personal information, except in the following circumstances:

  • With your explicit consent or authorization, we may publicly disclose your personal information.
  • We may publicly disclose your personal information when required by law or regulation, or in response to a legal request, such as a subpoena or court order.

4. Device Permission Call

To achieve the above purpose, we may need you to open your device access rights to us in your device:

Permission Name

System Type Involved

Purpose of access (type of personal information collected or functions implemented)

Network permissions

iOS/ Android

Activate product services, control and manage CHGIEE products

Bluetooth permissions

iOS/ Android

Connect and control CHGIEE products

Album media permissions

iOS/ Android

Download files, view, and export files from CHGIEE products

Local network permissions

iOS/ Android

Search for nearby CHIGEE devices

Floating window permissions


For CHIGEE cycling navigation

Notification permissions

iOS/ Android

Receive APP reminders in time

Get accurate positioning

iOS/ Android

Route planning, navigation, positioning data overlay

Message push

Official website/official mall

Marketing information push, information notification

Personalized recommendation and targeted push

iOS/ Android

Marketing information push, information notification


iOS/ Android

Connect and control CHGIEE products

Camera permissions

iOS/ Android

Used to scan CHIGEE product SN QR code


2. How We Protect and Store Your Personal Information

1. Data Security

We take data security seriously and implement reasonable and appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect your personal information from unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction. These measures include, but are not limited to:

  • Encrypting personal information during transmission and storage using industry-standard encryption protocols.
  • Regularly reviewing and updating our data security practices and policies to ensure their effectiveness.
  • Limiting access to personal information to employees, contractors, and agents who need to know the information to perform their job responsibilities and are subject to confidentiality obligations.

2. Data Storage

Your personal information will be stored in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. We will retain your personal information for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected, or as required by law or regulation. Once your personal information is no longer needed for the purposes for which it was collected, we will delete or anonymize the information in a secure manner.

3. How You Can Manage Your Personal Information

1. Access and Update

You have the right to access and update your personal information. You can access and update your personal information by logging into your account on our platform and making the necessary changes. If you are unable to access or update your personal information through our platform, you can contact us for assistance.

2. Delete and Withdraw Consent

You have the right to request the deletion of your personal information and withdraw your consent to the processing of your personal information. You can request the deletion of your personal information and withdraw your consent by contacting us through the contact information provided on our platform. Please note that withdrawing your consent may affect your ability to use certain features of our platform.

3. Portability

You have the right to request the transfer of your personal information to another data controller in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format. You can request the transfer of your personal information by contacting us through the contact information provided on our platform.

4. How Your Personal Information is Transferred Globally

Your personal information may be transferred to and processed in countries other than the country in which you reside. These countries may have data protection laws that are different from the laws of your country. We will take appropriate measures to ensure that your personal information is protected in accordance with this Policy and applicable data protection laws, including entering into data transfer agreements and implementing appropriate safeguards.

5. Protection of Minors' Personal Information

We do not knowingly collect or solicit personal information from minors without the consent of their legal guardians. If you are a minor, please read and fully understand this Policy with the assistance of your legal guardian and obtain their consent before using our products and services. If we become aware that we have collected personal information from a minor without the consent of their legal guardian, we will delete the information as soon as possible.

6. Notifications and Amendments

We may update this Policy from time to time to reflect changes in our practices or legal requirements. We will notify you of any significant changes to this Policy by posting the updated Policy on our platform and, where appropriate, providing you with a more prominent notice. Your continued use of our products and services after the effective date of the updated Policy constitutes your acceptance of the updated Policy.

7. How to Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about this Policy or our data protection practices, please contact us through the contact information provided on our platform. We will respond to your inquiries and address your concerns promptly.

By using our products and services, you acknowledge that you have read and understood this Policy and agree to the collection, use, and processing of your personal information in accordance with this Policy.


This Agreement was updated on [June 16, 2024] and will take effect on [July 1, 2024].