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Teşekkür ederim cok guzel
Excellent product and work perfectly with no problem
Formato perfeito e ótimo acabamento
This is the 3rd aio5 lite installed on my bij. I also added TPMS, OBD module and TR100 charger. And led colights spots. Very tight space inside the SF battery compartment but it is now done. CHIGEE is on a RAm arm to allow adjustability of position with a non easily bolt. Love the CHIGEE just works out of the box I would have preferred a removable option and it’s a sure add me the 6 will not be backward compatible with the cameras.
Had the unfortunate experience from the delivery people who had clearly thrown my parcel around which destroyed the screen however CHIGEE replaced the item without any fuss , not had time to use it it yet but will update later
Teşekkür ederim cok guzel
Excellent product and work perfectly with no problem
I purchased the AIO-5 last July, used it for a few months then jumped to the Garmin Zumo XT-2. After a week, I sold the Garmin and reinstalled the AIO-5. You just can't beat it other than the screen being slightly on the small side. Hurry up with the AIO-6 !
Formato perfeito e ótimo acabamento
This is the 3rd aio5 lite installed on my bij. I also added TPMS, OBD module and TR100 charger. And led colights spots. Very tight space inside the SF battery compartment but it is now done. CHIGEE is on a RAm arm to allow adjustability of position with a non easily bolt. Love the CHIGEE just works out of the box I would have preferred a removable option and it’s a sure add me the 6 will not be backward compatible with the cameras.
Had the unfortunate experience from the delivery people who had clearly thrown my parcel around which destroyed the screen however CHIGEE replaced the item without any fuss , not had time to use it it yet but will update later